
The Wicked Men Do

So you're worried about my opinion of you?
Dear, I've learned not to judge for the wicked men do
Still, I'd bet all my pennies and wager my dimes
That your past that I won't ask about is cleaner than mine

You speak of your doubts as if I haven't any
I'd carry yours too - if I hadn't so many
Throw them all in a blanket, every trouble we own
If we each take a side, we can lighten our load

Go tell all your friends, all your family and neighbors
Who have neglected their plows and abandoned their labour
To come out from their shelters and cowardly places
For the fear they've been running from no longer chases
Uncover their faces for redemption embraces
All cultures and nations, all genders and races
So forget your disgraces and leave your past behind

You won't worry about the opinions of you
When you've learned no to judge for the wicked men do

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